Monday, September 30, 2013

The Bass are Beconing

The Wind was calm with some soft puffs from the north while I was fishing on the beach a few nights back.  A subtle glow from the milky way helped to shimmer some light while retrieving my lure.  I was having a vision of a striped beauty snagging my lure when....BAM! and yank.  It was the second striped bass of the night and they both took the black teaser.  The second was a legal keeper so I sauteed it with white wine and tomatoes.  I say "it"  because it was not a particularly large or girthy fish.  It was about 10 lbs and 30 inches long.  At that size it could be either a male or female, but if it is over 25 lbs or 35 inches long is a female according to some sampling conducted in the 1950's

Here is a good overview of bass migration and biology, although there is some debate about some different migratory patterns of the Hudson River population.

Many say that an east Wind is the best time to fish for the stripers, possibly because it blows plankton to our shores and the bait fish pile up on it.  Living up to its reputation of being piscivorous, only fish were found in its belly (pictured above).  I sliced open its stomach and found what I believe to be Altantic silverside...or after some consultation with my bass brained cousin, possibly sand lances, aka sand eels.  Funny, the lure I happened to be using mimics these fish...

Does anybody know if bass can see colors in the same manner that we do? Or how deep light penetrates the water column to allow the colors to be seen with much difference other than shades?


  1. this could be the storm and wind we need to kick in season.......tuesday, wed Night??? thurs?

    1. Thanks for checking out WBF. Lets get motivated for a Mtk session with porgy.

  2. Judging from these awesome pics, this was probably a totally wild experience.

  3. what a catch. Do the fish bite better/more often at night?

    1. Yeah, unless the water is really cold the night and sunrise are typically the best time to bass fish.
